Movement, Massage, Pain Relife, Strength
Light, Water, Magnetism, Energy
Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Nootropics, Toxins
Brain, Vision, Balance, Performace.
Spiritually, Consciousness, Flow States, Life Purpose
We examine different aspects of your lifestyle to make sure the basics are dialed in first before optimising anything.
So many people make this mistake, neglect the foundations and wonder why their expensive treatment didn’t work.
For Example
Are you deficient in any minerals? 75% of the population are.
Do you have a strong body clock AKA circadian rhythm? As this makes sure all the timings in your body are correct and you can get valuable healing sleep.
Imagine if the timings were off in a busy airport and the chaos it would cause.
EVERYTHING You think or do depends on ENERGY
Tell me your goals
Describe your daily life and your environment
Show me any test results
I educate you as well as give you an ‘action plan’ so
that you know what you are doing and why you are doing it
I help you practically using quantum biology, removing
harmful compounds & behaviors, circadian ketogenic
nutrition, bespoke supplements.
As well as patience and compassion.
It’s so easy to be impatient or over-enthusiastic and jump the gun, or try to ‘skip to the good bits. You wouldn’t build a mansion on bad foundations