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Biology – Nutrition & Hormones

What Is A Healthy Metabolism

People with a healthy metabolism can easily and efficiently turn air and food into water and electricity, rather than storing food as fat.

The more helathy  mitochondria you have the more efficiently they operate and the better you feel.

Food isn’t everything, but its important. If you get hardly any sunlight, work in artifical light exposed to a lot of tech, stay up until midnight on your phone or watching TV, you will have bad mitochondria and a bad metabolsim.

Your mitochondria depend on sunlight to run your metabolism properly.

Hormones, especially leptin are also light and cold driven  which is why you choose food based on WHERE YOU LIVE aka your environment.

For example,  an ideal  diet for somebody living in a cold dark place like Norway in winter is totally different to somebody living at the equator in Mexico.

But we all still need to have the building blocks in place to be able to regenerate and repair ourselves. We also need the omega 3 DHA from seafood  to run electric currents in the body and vitamin A from animal sources. These are two common deficiences I see and they have profound effects on your health.

Processed food, seed oils and sugar are very inflammatory and ageing.  They are also high in deuterium which is a ‘heavy’ form of hydrogen which burdens your body, damages your mitochondria, makes you fat and steals your energy.

Studies also show that deuterium is linked to cancer, diabetes and autoimmune disease.

A lot of people don’t know that processed food is a source of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and aluminium. All of these metals are harmful.

Removing seed oils, sugar and processed food is the BEST PLACE TO START  with nutrition and it will take you a long way. 

Here is a video on deuterium

Macronutrients In A Nutshell

You need the right amounts of healthy natural protein such as meat, fish and eggs not highly processed inflammatory protein.

You also need the right balance of healthy essential stable natural fats such as animal fats, some good quality olive oil not cheap inflammatory factory produced seed oils.

Your body can make all the glucose (carbohydrate) you need so there is no ‘essential carbohydrate’ but this doesn’t mean you need to be ketogenic all year round. It is very useful to strategically add the right carbs at the right time, especially during summer and autumn. It is important to choose local and seasonal produce as very important quantum information is contained in plants and it gives your mitochondria magnetic and light signals. The wrong signals from out of season fruit or fruit from 1000s of miles away is very confusing to your body and it creates ‘chaos’ or inflammation. 

Eating carbs especially  fruit in the winter is NOT what your body was designed for. Eating the wrong food in winter is a big reason for winter blues and weight gain. 

Avoiding plants that contain a lot of oxalates and lechtins or those that have been exposed to chemicals like glyphosate is very important for health

Vital Vitamins | Healthy Metabolism

If you can it is best to get as many vitmains as you can from food as they are in the correct form, balance and have been programmed by sunlight. Chemical vitamins are made in factories which use industrial chemicals and these are not the natural from and can contain high levels of deuterium. 

There are numerous reasons NOT to use a vitamin D supplement and to make it from sunlight. There are about 15 or more forms of vitamin D which we make and the body sulphates vitmain D so it can be transported. Vitamin D supplements are ONLY storage vitamin D in one from, not the active form, Vitamin D supplements can casue potassium loss and also burn through your magensium and these are the top 2 minerals that people are already deficient in. 

If you supplement with one vitamin  you are going to need to add another as supplementing with vitamin D alone can disrupt your calcium levels and know your vitamin A out of balance. 

It is also important to get the vitamins in the right form. For example P5P is the correct form of B6 and its best to use only ‘whole food’ vitamin C, not ascorbic acid. 

Mighty Minerals

To enable the wonders of life, your cells a supply of ‘large’ macro minerals (such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur) large as in you need a larger amount.

You also need trace or ‘small’ minerals which you need much less of (including iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, and selenium)

Trace minerals act mainly as catalysts for enzymes so that you can make energy. Many of them have important antioxidant activity as well.

Because many minerals work together and too much of one of them may increase your need for another. For example if you take in too much zinc you are going to affect your copper levels.

Like in the workplace…… things don’t function smoothly or at all if you have too many directors and not enough managers or laborers or vice versa.

Mineral Mastery Course

Learn how finding the right mineral balance can be your key to building a shield of resistance, making energy, avoiding brain fog, lowering inflammation, enhancing physical performance, curbing cravings, supporting your adrenals and losing weight. 

Four Bonus Modules : 

  • Sourcing Nutritious  Low Deuterium Food 
  • Avoiding Aluminium Toxicity
  • A Guide To Cell Salts – Minerals For Specific Conditions
  • B1 For Gut and Nervous System Health


Healthy Hormones

Hormones are chemical messengers in the body and there are key hormones I help you to understand and balance. Hormones respond to your light environment, your food and how much coherent water you have. 

  • Thyroid
  • Leptin
  • Insulin
  • Cortisol 
  • Melatonin 
  • Testosterone 
  • Estrogen 
  • Progesterone
  • Pregnenolone 
  • Ceruloplasmin
I have a list of suggested blood test so that I can get a look at your metabolic and hormonal health 

Most people who are on HRT (men and women)  are not on the optimum dose, form or regime. Or they have been mis-informed about HRT and think it is harmful

Many people struggle with their weight or blood sugar because they are  leptin resistant and often have never heard of leptin or know how to re-set leptin. It is because light, food and temperature affect leptin.




Learn How To Test And Balance Your Hormones

Avoid Hormone Hell – ‘Quantum Hormones Workshop 1’